Thursday, January 17, 2013

ASEAN Economic Community 2015

What are the benefits of forging ASEAN Economic Community 2015?

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an inter-governmental organization represented by the Heads of State or Government of Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Thus, ASEAN was established with the following specific aims and purposes: (a) economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region through joint endeavor in the spirit of equality and partnership, (b) respect for the rule of law, (c) active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific, and administrative fields, (d) assistance to each other in the forms of training and research facilities in the educational, professional, technical, and administrative spheres, (e) collaboration in agriculture, industries, expansion of trade, transport and communication facilities, and raising the standard of living of the people, (f) promotion of Southeast Asian Studies, and (g) beneficial cooperation with the existing international and regional organization with similar aims and purposes. Article 9 of the ASEAN Charter states the ASEAN Community Councils. The ASEAN Community Councils is comprised of the ASEAN Political-Security Community Council, ASEAN Economic Community Council, and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council. It is under the ASEAN Economic Community Council that takes the lead of forging of the ASEAN Economic Community 2015.

There are certain benefits of forging the ASEAN Economic Community 2015. First, there is cooperation in Industrial Development (IC) which is based on the principles of resource pooling and market sharing that facilitates effective exploitation of economies of scale and the region’s complementary location advantages. Second, there is cooperation in the ASEAN Free Trade Area which enhances ASEAN’s position as a competitive production base to service the global market. This can be achieved through increased intra-ASEAN trade, greater specialization, economies of scale, and increased foreign direct investments which should be attracted to a new single ASEAN market. Third, ASEAN finance cooperation provides a framework for enhanced cooperation in banking, financial, and capital markets development, customs matters, insurance matters, taxation, monetary policy cooperation, and human resource development in the area of finance. This also stipulates joint efforts in anti-smuggling and customs control activities, mutual technical assistance, customs modernization, and upgrading customs skills for present and future challenges. Fourth, there is a common ASEAN position in the reform of the international financial architecture which the global effort to resolve the current crisis must recognize the diverse circumstances and priorities of individual economies at different stages of development. Fifth, there is cooperation in investment which helps ASEAN attract more foreign Direct Investment. Finally, there is cooperation in food, agriculture, and forestry which improve the competitiveness of ASEAN agriculture and forestry products. This will be reviewed for a more dynamic food security arrangement to enhance intra-ASEAN trade and promote food production under the principle of comparative advantage.

In 1999, the economic situation in ASEAN had improved considerably since the financial crisis of 1997. Although the pace of recovery had been uneven, depending on the reforms of each member state, there were forecasts for economic growth. And with the aid of the ASEAN Economic Community 2015 enhance the positive indicators such as the return of stability in the foreign exchange markets, rising current accounts surplus and reserves, decline in interest rates, easing of inflationary measure, recovery in stock markets, improvement in consumer sentiment, and leveling off in the contradiction of industrial production.